An agent-based tutoring system for learning propositional logic using multiple linked representations
Jan 1, 2014ยท,,,
0 min read
Evandro Costa
Emanuele Tuane Silva
Anderson Santos
Alexandre Carlos Santos Azevedo

Priscylla Silva
Marios Tacio Silva
Hemilis Rocha
Caroline Lima
In this paper, we propose an agent-based ITS for learning propositional logic using two linked viewpoints and representations to address the problem on checking the validation of a given argument, articulating syntactic and semantic inference approaches. One motivation for this integration comes from the importance to involve students in two complementary viewpoints, permitting students to make connections between the two viewpoints involving different strategies, used in problem solving situations. Basically, the system works by placing students in a problem-solving situation and providing needed knowledge support based on his performance. We discuss the system and show its architecture and functionality, as well as its implementation details. Through scenarios with adequate coverage, we evaluate the value of the proposed approach and conclude that it is feasible and useful.
In IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference